NBC Sports - S Anthem
The fluid nature of the NBC Sports script S has an inherent motion built into the design. Imaginary forces pitched a concept for emphasizing this motion. They did this by building directional momentum with macro footage and highlighting curves of the ’S’. I directed and produced this project from the NBC Sports and worked with the IF team to execute and deliver.
S ID - NBCSports Brand Anthem
With frenetic cuts, we see different moments in sporting events at varying scales and unique angles. A portion of each shot is highlighted in the NBCSN brand yellow. As the action occurs and athletes pass through the frame, sweeping yellow curves suggest the “S.” As we arrive on our final scene, the frame begins to fill up with a collage of shots that form the “S.”
S ID - NASCAR Anthem
Bill Bergofin - Executive Producer
Brian Matthews - Creative Director
Lorin Finkelstein - Creative Director
Don Simon - Creative Director
Eric Woods - Design Director
Ray Worsdale - Producing Director
Imaginary Forces
Dan Gregoras - Creative Director
Gabriel Marquez - Executive Producer
Aleen Kim - Producer
Tess Sitzmann - Producer
Pomann Audio
Bob Pomann